Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dunzo and other secrets...

I got a McFlurry after lunch. With Smarties...(for those reading this from the US please google Smarties because it is not what you think they are...)

I was THAT girl walking along King street eating an ice cream in March...and I will not apologize for it. McFlurries happen to be one of my weaknesses. I have heard they are also a weakness for Brad Pitt, so I am not embarrassed to admit it.

Another weakness? Laguna Beach. None of this "Hills" crap. Laguna was the real deal and every time I hear the term "dunzo" I think of those beautiful, over-privileged kids. I think I will try to use dunzo 3 times today because, as Joey said on Blossom, if you use a word three times it's yours.

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

omg- American's think smarties are different then Smarties? What do they think Smarties are? They don't think they are like M & M's but better??

Emily said...

In the US our smarties do not exist. "smarties" are what we call "rockets" in Canada.

Haely Bop said...

Huh... rockets are definitely not smarties. They were also one of my favourite candy in halloween loot.

Anonymous said...

So after reading your post and enjoying the wonderful weather here I decided I too would have a mcflurry. I can't remember the last time I had one... Alas! My mcflurry was unflurried!!! It was just a few kitkat droppings over the ice cream. I was very disappointed.-- sarah