Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday night movie

I went out to the movies tonight with a couple girlfriends. We saw New Moon. I will not apologize for it.....or the fact that it is the second time I have seen it so far.....

Anyhow, upon arriving home my living room is full of boys watching South Park so I have retreated to the basement with a glass of wine and my kitty Jakob curled up beside me. What a perfect time to blog.

Life as a nanny is wonderful still! The girls crack me up every day and I almost feel the need to dedicate a whole page to "Little A's" phrases and the things she comes up with....this toddler seriously cracks me up. The Christmas Tree has gone up at work and she sits looking at it telling me what all the ornaments are...until i turn my back. At that point she starts to take them off the tree and then pretends she didn't know this is not allowed. This happens often. It is really, really funny but I, of course, keep a stern, straight face when I politely ask her to hang them back up.

My insane knitting has progressed quickly. C promises to take a bunch of photos of the stuff I am knitting so I can post it. We will see if that ever happens....I bought this fab new knitting book called Boutique Knits and I recommend it to anyone looking for wicked accessories.....I have already knit two hats this week!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It is common knowledge I am not technologically inclined. In fact, many a computer has leaped to their tragic death to avoid contact with me. Humans I can handle......why must I be made to try and figure out a PC?

I think the "PC" thing is the problem. I grew up with Macs.....we were happy, Macs and I. We typed papers together, we designed graphs and charts. We even started emailing. Then I met C. He was not a "Mac guy" and bowed down to the unholy god that is also know as "computer games". The games C liked to play were not compatible with Macs. My first question was, "why would you play a computer game when you can go outside and actually talk to people?" and then I remembered I was blogging.....hello kettle, this is the pot calling.

I digress....

This weekend we were in NYC cheering on my brother running in the marathon. We had an amazing time and my mom emailed me some photos. I clicked on "download"....and the stupid, freakimg pictures have entered into the abyss of this stupid computer. I tried searching for them and, instead, three copies of every photo that is on this godforsaken computer has come up.

I do not want your pity. I do not want your computer related advice. I just want a f#%&*ing MAC.

Happy Tuesday.