Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tattoos and knitting night.....

Another fabulous knitting night this evening with the ladies. Tonight there was no wine and we actually stayed very on topic until 11:30. On a weeknight too. I am sure we will all pay for it in the morning because, as Leah said, we are all getting too old for this....

So one of the topics tonight?
Tattoos....and ugly ones friends have...... since we are going to Hell for gossiping so we may as well go well. What do you guys think about tattoos? Tramp stamps?

Other discussions? Money illusions...friends from high school and, of course, knitting shops. How much the other girlies want to own knitting shops is actually a more accurate topic. Anyone want to fund a few quirky girls and their wool addiction? anyone?anyone? Bueller?

Happy Thursday!


I got a frantic email from Cher this afternoon. Lainey has been blocked at her work. What does this means to those of us who rely on amusing blogs to get us through the day? It means everything.

I am lucky that I can sneak a peek at my favourite blogs during the day but I appear to a minority in this regard. Most of my friends tell me that their companies block all the big favourites at work...Perez,

How do we all feel about this?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Marine Biology....

So the DJ on the radio just told me that Kelly Clarkson wanted to be a marine biologist until she saw Jaws. This reminded me of when I was in elementary school and most of the kids wanted to be marine biologists. I am not kidding. I would estimate 50% of my grade 8 class listed that profession as their dream. I grew up in Brampton, Ontario. The closest ocean is in Boston. Why did all these kids want to work in oceans? My only dream was to get the hell out of Brampton.

So, the big question? I wonder if any of my former classmates actually succeeded in their marine pursuits....or did they, too, watch Jaws and give up?

Happy Friday!


So today is a sunny Friday in Toronto. I am wearing my new scarf that I knit a few weeks back and I am feeling good. The sun is shining, I have a delicious coffee in hand and tonight friends are coming over for a BBQ.

Last night at knitting night C sat with us and chatted. Topic? Freebie Fives.....and we only had half a glass of wine in us. Cher brought berries and chocolate good!

Big question today? Who is in your Freebie Five?

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Old man...

There is an old man who rides the streetcar into the city every morning. I imagine that he must be around 87 years old. He uses a cane and is always dressed up like he is going to an office job. C and I want to follow him one day to see where he is going, is that creepy? Every time we see him we always nudge each other as if to say "Look! Here he is again!"

The streetcar is always full of people and sometimes I see the same ones everyday and sometimes I don't run into others for months. It's a strange little community in a big city I guess.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, April 20, 2009


So last night we ate out in the North End of Boston. C's dad is running the Boston Marathon right now as I type this post and he needed to carb up before the race.

We made reservations at a place that was recommended in a tour book and all went our separate ways for the day. The plan was to meet up for an early 5pm dinner so C's dad could get some sleep before the big run.

Three of the members of our party were waiting for us outside when we arrived at the restaurant. We could not be seated until the entire party was present. Little J and Stretch (aka Mark) were at a Red Sox game and we knew they were going to be late. This meant that we could not be seated until they got there on the T from Fenway. This was bad....

They recommended that we go to the bar and have a drink. The bar was in the basement and had no stools. This was getting worse. I ordered a Stella and tried to keep the natives from getting restless. C had already abandoned me to go outside and wait for Little J and Stretch to arrive. At this point the restaurant staff was getting pissed off that we weren't ready to sit down and eat. Well, if they had let us sit down we all would have ordered a few drinks and the bill would be ticking away. Instead I was nervously drinking my beer much too quickly trying to keep everyone happy. We decided the marathoner needed to eat so we switched the reservation to five people and C and I would wait for Little J and Stretch to arrive and then eat some place else. *sigh*

Flash forward five minutes and we are outside watching them get out of a cab....then everyone else from our party is beside us on the street telling us they refused to eat there and we needed to find a new place to eat. They wouldn't tell us exactly what went down, but everyone was smiling.

When I finally ate, the gnocchi was awesome.

Happy Boston Marathon Monday!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why I love America....

So today I am writing from Albany, NY. We drove from Toronto last night on our way to Boston. We stopped at a Ponderosa to have dinner. This chain has been out of Canada for many, many years so C's dad was excited to eat there. C and I treated for dinner.

We waited, and waited, and food. Finally we asked what the hold up was and the waitress came back and told us that our order had gotten lost and immediately gave us our money back for the meal. Hahaha! We had been so "kind" treating and here we were getting our money back. Life is great.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 17, 2009


So I am off to Boston until next Tuesday. C's dad is going to be running in the Boston Marathon and we are all coming along for the ride.

I am pumped. The last time I was in Boston was for New Year's Eve 1998 with Miss Sarah Frank. It was the coldest I have ever been. On new year's eve we watched Spice World, fell asleep at 9pm and then woke up at 2am to go to IHOP for waffles and drive by Jonathan Knight's house. This was long before any chance of a NKOTB reunion.

This is still, by far, one of my favourite New year's eves.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Maybe I am extra sensitive because I work for an eye doctor BUT would you ever cut cement with a saw and not wear safety glasses?
This is what the workers do at a site close to my work. They cut cement with huge-ass saws and gawk at women...all the while not wearing safety glasses.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Growing impatient.....

I have been watching LOST since the very first episode. C and I have devoted many, many years to this program. I am scared that, after all this time, the writers are going to screw it up.
Next season is the last season. We knew from the beginning that the series wouldn't last forvever but we also knew for the last couple years that next season would be the last. Did the writers not take note of that?
Today I am going to air my greviences about the last couple of seasons of LOST.
1. Why would you introduce a whole slew of new characters in the second last season? There are already about 5,000 characters who only appear every fourth episode. How am I supposed to remember who all these other people are when I can barely keep track of the old ones? Tonight we had to pause the show twice to figure out who was on the screen and what they were doing there.
2. Time travel. Is this the only way you could explain things about the island?
I am terrified that the last years I have dedicated to this show will be for nothing. The writers need to stop using these two elements to answer all the questions we have had for the last years. Why not just put all the characters to bed and have them think it was all a dream?
That being said, I will still watch. I watched as the seasons got shorter. I watched when they released three episodes in the fall and then took a break until February. I watch the recap episodes.
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome Bo!

So, I do not understand how there could be so much controversy over a puppy. The Obama girls received their new puppy, Bo, at the White House this week.

Please read this article for more info.

Basically, there is a conspiracy theory so intricate about this dog, his links to the Kennedys and the "is he or isn't he" a rescue dog debate that my head is spinning. Can't we all just look at the adorable dog and be happy he has new, loving owners?

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

This weekend was quite busy and fabulous!
Thursday night started out with my knitting girls coming over for food and wine. M brought so much delicious food....especially those spicy olives.

Friday was a slow start for some of us....Buddy and Lindy came over for a BBQ and to work on "Doris" which is what I have named C's new bike. Buddy is really awesome with bikes because the bike is now in working order. C is having so much fun riding it around and has actually been volunteering to go to the store to pick up things just so that he can go for a ride.

Saturday was our big Easter dinner. We decided this year to change things up a little bit with the menu. In 57 days, not that I am counting, we are going to Italy. I decided to cook an Italian meal to get us all in the mood for our holiday. Gnocchi, Eggplant Parmesan and a Caprese salad. We our going to Massa Lubrense, which is a village on the south western coast of Italy just across from Capri. The meal and company was wonderful.

Sunday we went with C's parents to Niagara Falls to spend the day with C's Nan. It was a little cold but we did have a nice look around the stores in Niagara-on-the-lake. It is just such a nice little town to wander around. Loads of tourists were eating ice cream walking down the street. I thought this was a slightly insane thing to be doing, but maybe they all came from colder climates and thought this was warm enough for ice cream weather? Or maybe they thought that since all the ice cream shops were open it was a "Canadian" thing to do to eat ice cream in winter-like conditions?

Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday night knitting club

Tonight was awesome. Four of my favourite ladies in the world, two bottles of wine, and way too much food. Brie, Havarti, salsa, tortillas and Easter peanut m&m's. Delicious!

Tonight, as the wine bottles emptied, we discussed many things. One of which is, if you made $70,000/day, like Jennifer Aniston did last year, would it be okay to go to Holt Renfrew and spent $4000 on a random shopping spree? I mean, we are all working girls who long for more shoes, lattes and nicer yarn BUT could we justify that type of spending?

On another note, some of us (ie. ME) have set a fitness goal for the day before I go to Jamaica....which is about 4 weeks from now....please wish me luck. Tomorrow morning at 10am Miss Leah is arriving to take my sorry butt for a run. Let's hope I am sober by then.

Happy Friday...but just barely Friday!

Here comes the sun...

The sun is shining, the weekend is coming and it is a LONG weekend!!!

Tonight is knitting night and all my girlies are bringing food and wine...mmmmm...apparently tonight is being considered "wasted knit fest". Sweet.

Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesdays in April....

So I have dropped off the face of the earth, apparently. My best friend M just called to check on me since I have not been facebook-ing or blogging. Very sweet.

There was a death in my husband's family this week and , no matter how much you think you're ready for it, death is always a horrible shock. We are coping. I miss Uncle Lorne so much though.

In other happier news, C and I just spent a few hours with K and baby Aoife. That child eats like a champion. She must have a hollow leg. She managed to cheer both of us up immediately.

What else is new.....C has adopted a discarded bicycle and I have named her Doris. Lindy feels this is a great name for a bike. This will also be C's spring project since she needs new tires and breaks. He figures he is up for the challenge...I guess we'll see....

So, chin up everyone!
Happy Wednesday!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday night....

We had a Friday night book club because we are reading Friday Night Knitting Club. We usually have book club on Sunday afternoons. Immediately we felt the difference. Largest difference was the alcohol.....sangria after a long work week.

The host, Meghan, had contacted the author to "call in" to our book club. At first this had seemed like a really neat idea. This was before we had read the book, which although I did enjoy, had a lot of holes in it....and our group has a lot of sarcasm in it.

We had started to discuss possible questions to ask her and we were wondering if she would indeed call us....and then the phone rang. We all screamed. Steph answered the phone on speaker phone. We had decided she was the most mature to keep the conversation rolling. The author, Kate Jacobs, introduced herself and asked if she could call us back in 20 minutes because there was a film crew that wanted to film her talking to us for a Borders in-store promotion. Crap.

The next twenty minutes were spent trying to spin our negative comments into good questions...this was by far the longest we had ever discussed a book at book club. Normally we would have switched to more important subjects like Octo-Mom and the finale of ER.

Kate called back and the interview went quite well....except a few comments thrown in from Steph that I think Kate missed. The sangria was really starting to kick in...hopefully we didn't make too big of fools of ourselves...

Happy Sunday!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Right now Shai is on the radio singing "If I every fall in love". It seems, like most music from 1994, I am the only one who remembers things like this band. Is this true?

What I DO remember is going out and buying this album after hearing a song on Seaquest from Shai. Remember Jonathan Brandis? Single tear.....

This was before the Internet so, in order to find out what the name of the song was, I had to pause the show and read the itty, bitty writing at the end of the credits that listed the song titles. After finding the name of the song, I had to go to HMV and actually read every album cover to see what album this song was listed on.

Kids these days have it so easy. If they like a song on a TV show all they have to do is Google it and they can download it from iTunes. In my day we had to do the detective work. Hell, the Hills even has the song names listed on the don't even have to Google it...

Happy Friday!

Floral names....

Jamie Oliver, the Naked Chef, welcomed his third child into the world today. The have named their third daughter Petal Blossom....and I really like it.

Their other daughters are named Poppy and Daisy and forgive me for liking flowers, but I would LOVE my name to be Petal. In fact, from now on my name is Petal.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

On tonight...

So apparently this evening's knitting night is turning into quite the party! One thing has led to another and hopefully it will be a full house. Not everyone will be knitting, considering baby Aoife will be here, but everyone WILL be enjoying nutella crepes. Mmmmmmmm.....

Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I don't really want to go for a run but...

I ate an entire chocolate Easter bunny this afternoon. Granted it was a small one BUT I scarfed down the entire thing. Happily. I do not regret one inch of that delicious rabbit.

This is why I need to go for a run. Damn bunny.

Happy Thursday!

This is why I love her!

So our little Lainey is getting some emails from quite the rabid twilight fans. I loves it, I do. She has started to post some of the emails and it is really making my day reading them.

Lainey has been reporting that Rob Pattinson, aka EDWARD, is hanging out with Nikki Reed. A big who cares, right? Truth be told, the most exciting part of the past few days is reading the responses that people have been sending Lainey is complete and utter anger. This is my favourite.

I hope she keeps posting them....

Happy Thursday!!!