Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday night knitting club

Tonight was awesome. Four of my favourite ladies in the world, two bottles of wine, and way too much food. Brie, Havarti, salsa, tortillas and Easter peanut m&m's. Delicious!

Tonight, as the wine bottles emptied, we discussed many things. One of which is, if you made $70,000/day, like Jennifer Aniston did last year, would it be okay to go to Holt Renfrew and spent $4000 on a random shopping spree? I mean, we are all working girls who long for more shoes, lattes and nicer yarn BUT could we justify that type of spending?

On another note, some of us (ie. ME) have set a fitness goal for the day before I go to Jamaica....which is about 4 weeks from now....please wish me luck. Tomorrow morning at 10am Miss Leah is arriving to take my sorry butt for a run. Let's hope I am sober by then.

Happy Friday...but just barely Friday!


cherrycher said...

I just did the math...

the exact number is 73,972.60.

As in, Jennifer Aniston made 73,972.60 EVERY single day of the year, including holidays, in 2008.

Not bad for a woman who works, MAYBE 6 months out of the year, huh?

I think that justifys a 4000 handbag. I mean, her investments must make more than $4000/month in interest alone!!!

cherrycher said...

PS.. I'm going to have to write about this on my blog, too. I can't wrap my head around it.