Friday, April 3, 2009


Right now Shai is on the radio singing "If I every fall in love". It seems, like most music from 1994, I am the only one who remembers things like this band. Is this true?

What I DO remember is going out and buying this album after hearing a song on Seaquest from Shai. Remember Jonathan Brandis? Single tear.....

This was before the Internet so, in order to find out what the name of the song was, I had to pause the show and read the itty, bitty writing at the end of the credits that listed the song titles. After finding the name of the song, I had to go to HMV and actually read every album cover to see what album this song was listed on.

Kids these days have it so easy. If they like a song on a TV show all they have to do is Google it and they can download it from iTunes. In my day we had to do the detective work. Hell, the Hills even has the song names listed on the don't even have to Google it...

Happy Friday!

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