Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This is why I love her!

So our little Lainey is getting some emails from quite the rabid twilight fans. I loves it, I do. She has started to post some of the emails and it is really making my day reading them.

Lainey has been reporting that Rob Pattinson, aka EDWARD, is hanging out with Nikki Reed. A big who cares, right? Truth be told, the most exciting part of the past few days is reading the responses that people have been sending Lainey is complete and utter anger. This is my favourite.

I hope she keeps posting them....

Happy Thursday!!!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Yeah, I LOVE reading the hate mail.

If you ask me, Nikki Reed is gorgeous.

If that rumour is true, Rob deserves a high five.