Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This week so far....

So, if you count the week starting on Saturday, which I am going to do for this purpose, have been very busy.

Saturday afternoon brought with it flood number one. In Toronto we had some flash flooding. My bedroom is in a basement.....my bedroom was flooded. C and I were in the backyard trying to stop the water and in the bedroom bailing out water from the window well. It was a very unpleasant experience.

Saturday evening brought over our friends Pete, Nathalie and Adam and loads of fun card playing. That made me happier. I drank away some of my stress.

Sunday afternoon brought along even more rain and there was no stopping the flood this time. The carpet was ripped out and it is now a damp concrete and a metal bed frame in my formerly serene bedroom. Needless to say, the air mattress we have been sleeping on in the spare room has not been giving me restful nights.

Monday was happier! I spend the afternoon with some cool ladies and their bebes! I played the role of "mom" without having to actually go through the pain and stress of having a child and it got me ready for my new role as uber-nanny. Or nanny-extraordinaire. No, I will not simply be a "caregiver" I will be the coolest person they will ever get to hang out with! This will be a task since everyone who knows me will probably agree that I am mostly lame....

Today I tried a little bit of the uber-nanny role and spent the morning with just one of my new "wards" Aoife. She is the neatest little kid. We went to H&M, Shoppers Drug Mart and ended up for an hour at the park playing in the sand and enjoying our yummy snacks and water. One thing about me? I have no issue getting dirty in the sand and actually chatting with my little friends. One mother followed her toddler around chatting on the phone and not even interacting with the child....made me very sad.

I also successfully bottle-fed little Gwen (4 weeks old today) This was her first bottle and she took to it so well....this means I will be much more flexible since I can be out longer because she won't need to see Mommy for her food. This makes me elated! I can go to the waterfront! I go go to further away parks! This summer will be grand!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tripping Daisy...

I have Tripping Daisy's "I've got a girl" stuck in my head. I still call this song one of my favourites. I plugged it into itunes and Spacehog also showed up. When I got Resident Alien I played it non-stop! It was a great album. It is missing from my collection.....along with a few others. Maybe I loaned them and forgot about it. Maybe they were left at other people's homes.

The album I miss is Twice Removed by Sloan. In my opinion they peaked at this point. The album is solid from start to finish. Maybe this dates me....."If I drink concentrated OJ..." I remember very vividly listening to this album on my Walkman on the way to high school. Cheryl and I were even in one of their videos at York University....

What did you listen to in high school?

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In other news....

I am officially a nanny. In two weeks I will be caring for a month old infant and a toddler. Scary, yes? How did I go from the girl who cringed at children to the one who wants to care for them? If anyone says something about my biological clock I swear I will hunt you down....

In other news, C and I have just made our living room into a Moroccan theme. The funny thing about this is that our dining room was supposed to be Moroccan themed. We then realized we NEVER go into our dining room. There are two of us living here. To be honest we usually sit in front of the TV and eat out meals. The theme is a work in progress so I guess we will see how it works out....a good excuse to drink mint tea? Who knows, next week it could be back to green and pink. My styling is tres schizophrenic sometimes....

Tomorrow "new girl" starts at work and I am thrilled. K and I are buying croissants and lattes to celebrate. We are going to sweeten her up (or butter her...croissant...get it?) so hopefully she will like us forever.

Alright, enough blabbing...must find a new book to read. I just finished "Paris Enigma" by Pablo De Santis and LOVED it. C bought it while we were in London. Highly recommend to mystery lovers, or Paris lovers, or history lovers. Or book lovers I guess. Pick it up, you'll love it.

I also read the new Marian Keyes book "This Charming Man" and liked it too. A few years back I became OBSESSED with Marian Keyes. I read every book she wrote....and then...well, the only way I can describe what happened is becoming allergic to her writing style. When I started to read one of her books my mouth went dry and I felt slightly nauseous. I had overdosed on the lovely Irish author. This is the first I have picked up since and it was fab. Intelligent chick lit.

The third book I finished this month is "Obsession, deceit and really dark chocolate" which is one in a series of mystery novels by Kyra Davis. This is another author I love, but that tends to give me the dry mouth thingy. I overindulge on authors. It is completely my fault. These books have clever, clever titles and I love the heroine. I just read another new one has come out so I guess I will be picking that one up to...

Does anyone have a book recommendation? Nothing too heavy, it is summer after all. Message me if you do.

Happy Wednesday!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

NASA....hoax or truth?

Adding further fuel to the conspiracy theories, NASA admitted this week that they erased and taped over the original moon landing footage. Really? You didn't really think it was something you might want to look back on in the future? Their reasoning? It was being used for more of a "live TV event" than anything else......stunned silence from the rest of the world is the appropriate response.

The idea that maybe the moon-landing WAS all an anti-Soviet cold war hoax is starting to seem more and more realistic.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

If I ruled the world...

If I ruled the world there would be cupcakes in every coffee shop. Fresh ones with sprinkles.

If I ruled the world coffee would be served in a french press and it would be dark and hot. And no one could speak to another person in the morning before having at least two cups....

If I ruled the world champagne would be a mandatory beverage every night after work. Maybe it would even come through the taps....

What would you do if you ruled the world?

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was on Facebook earlier today and came across a photo. It is of someone I went to high school with, but who is not my friend on Facebook. She wasn't actually a friend in high school either but I came across her profile pic and she has a baby. A little girl with a bow in her hair.

It brought back a few memories because this girl was insane. I mean CRAZY.....shouting in your face, laughing very loudly at other people's misfortunes. The kind of disgusting behaviour that I had all but forgotten until I saw the face of that little girl in the photo....maybe some people whouldn't breed?

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I made these brownies this evening and I just had to share them!!! Here is the recipe. Please do not be scared of the zucchinis.....I had three tonight but I figure if they have veggies in them, it makes them healthy. Right? Right? Bueller?

Let me know if you make 'em.

Happy Thursday!


Summer is great. It is my absolute favourite season, bikinis and all. I love sitting outside, covered in SPF 400 of course, having a drink, reading a book or just being lazy. The days seem longer so I feel like I have time to relax because I have a lot more hours of daylight.

My only complaint about summer? TV shows....

I will admit to being a die-hard North American is this regard...I likes me some TV. Two years ago my parents bought C and I a PVR for Christmas. Ever since then my television watching has gone up, but since I can fast forward through the ads, the actual time in front of that wonderful, colourful box has actually gone down. Secret shows I watch? I will admit it, not that I am actually ashamed anymore, Young and the Restless is my all-time favourite program. C and I scream at the television every night while we watch all the idiots in Genoa City mess up their lives. I also have a Law & Order obsession....I am pretty positive I have seen every episode of every creation of L&O at least once. I am loving the new Law&Order UK these days....reminds me of our London trip last month.

But, summer programs suck, although, I guess I understand that television shows need to take a hiatus. Most of us in Canada aren't as glued to a tv sets in the summer when it is warm outside and we all seem to end up on patios with a drink in hand but anytime a show is premiered in the summer, it always ends up being discussed at my office. We are all mourning the season's ends to our favourite programs so we seems to latch on to anything that is not a rerun.

I caught an episode of Suburbia last night. I love Bob Saget and the show has so much potential. The dialogue was really funny but, for some reason, the cast was delivering lines like jokes and not like dialogue. It didn't feel like many of them were actually conversing with each other. It felt like they were pausing after their lines for the canned laughter.....this is all I have to look forward to this summer?

With only two months until the premieres I guess my best bet is to turn off the tv and get outside like everyone else.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is why Feldman is a tool....

This is how he showed up to Michael Jackson' memorial. If he had been invited to Estelle Getty's memorial would he have come dressed in a white wig and old-lady handbag? Is Corey just excited to be out? What a mega-tool.

I was always team Haim anyway.

Happy Tuesday!

Why I love Starbucks!!!

I went into my local Starbucks this afternoon in search of a coffee and something sweet. As I was drooling over the sweets someone called my name. I looked up and saw it was my friend/former coworker Asli! I ordered my coffee and brownie and she said "Do you want a free piece of cake?" People who know me should know the answer to this question.....YES!!! So, she changed my order to just coffee and supplied me with a delicious piece of chocolate cake.

It is "Partner appreciation day", the Starbucks version of employee appreciation day, so go give your barista some love today!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy week!!!

So I have officially been off vacation for one week...one looong week. Plus, I actually only worked three days out of that week too. Why can't I be on holiday forever?

This week has brought on some summer changes. First, I have started drying some clothes outside. Now that I have a week little garden I have room for a small line. This morning I hung my sheets and towels out and they now smell SO GOOD!!! I remember playing in the wet clothes my mom hung outside when I was a little girl. I hope no one was watching because I ran threw them just to remember how it felt. It felt good...

Second exciting thing? Kristin had her baby! little Gwendolyn was born last Tuesday. She is perfect.

I have also started knititng a hot pink afghan. Very Barbie. Here is a lovely photo of it so far...
I will also be blogging about it at Coolgirlsknit , so check out that site too!!!

Last week C and I had loads of people over....being away for almost three weeks made us miss all out friends. What that meant was because we had very late nights it took me FOREVER to get over jet-lag. I usually am back to my old routine in a couple days but this time it was nearly a week before I got myself back to the regular Toronto time. The trip was well worth the body feeling wonky though.

Speaking of the trip...here are a couple other photos for your enjoyment!

I am now on my way to a kickboxing class with my Mom. Wish me luck!

Happy Monday!!!