Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This week so far....

So, if you count the week starting on Saturday, which I am going to do for this purpose, have been very busy.

Saturday afternoon brought with it flood number one. In Toronto we had some flash flooding. My bedroom is in a basement.....my bedroom was flooded. C and I were in the backyard trying to stop the water and in the bedroom bailing out water from the window well. It was a very unpleasant experience.

Saturday evening brought over our friends Pete, Nathalie and Adam and loads of fun card playing. That made me happier. I drank away some of my stress.

Sunday afternoon brought along even more rain and there was no stopping the flood this time. The carpet was ripped out and it is now a damp concrete and a metal bed frame in my formerly serene bedroom. Needless to say, the air mattress we have been sleeping on in the spare room has not been giving me restful nights.

Monday was happier! I spend the afternoon with some cool ladies and their bebes! I played the role of "mom" without having to actually go through the pain and stress of having a child and it got me ready for my new role as uber-nanny. Or nanny-extraordinaire. No, I will not simply be a "caregiver" I will be the coolest person they will ever get to hang out with! This will be a task since everyone who knows me will probably agree that I am mostly lame....

Today I tried a little bit of the uber-nanny role and spent the morning with just one of my new "wards" Aoife. She is the neatest little kid. We went to H&M, Shoppers Drug Mart and ended up for an hour at the park playing in the sand and enjoying our yummy snacks and water. One thing about me? I have no issue getting dirty in the sand and actually chatting with my little friends. One mother followed her toddler around chatting on the phone and not even interacting with the child....made me very sad.

I also successfully bottle-fed little Gwen (4 weeks old today) This was her first bottle and she took to it so well....this means I will be much more flexible since I can be out longer because she won't need to see Mommy for her food. This makes me elated! I can go to the waterfront! I go go to further away parks! This summer will be grand!!!

Happy Tuesday!


jessica said...


It's Jess. You never want to play cards with me :(

Emily said...

No Jess I never play cards with Jen. Unfortunately you just always happen to be there when she is....we play and drink, she plays to win :)