Wednesday, July 15, 2009

If I ruled the world...

If I ruled the world there would be cupcakes in every coffee shop. Fresh ones with sprinkles.

If I ruled the world coffee would be served in a french press and it would be dark and hot. And no one could speak to another person in the morning before having at least two cups....

If I ruled the world champagne would be a mandatory beverage every night after work. Maybe it would even come through the taps....

What would you do if you ruled the world?

Happy Wednesday!


Katie said...

Champagne SHOULD come through the taps, because often I could go for a fluteful, but don't want to open a whole bottle.

Emily said...

If we end up in Disney, you can bring a bottle and I will help you finish it off....

Haely Bop said...

If I ruled the world, all people would have to do is think about losing weight, and then it would come off!