Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It is common knowledge I am not technologically inclined. In fact, many a computer has leaped to their tragic death to avoid contact with me. Humans I can handle......why must I be made to try and figure out a PC?

I think the "PC" thing is the problem. I grew up with Macs.....we were happy, Macs and I. We typed papers together, we designed graphs and charts. We even started emailing. Then I met C. He was not a "Mac guy" and bowed down to the unholy god that is also know as "computer games". The games C liked to play were not compatible with Macs. My first question was, "why would you play a computer game when you can go outside and actually talk to people?" and then I remembered I was blogging.....hello kettle, this is the pot calling.

I digress....

This weekend we were in NYC cheering on my brother running in the marathon. We had an amazing time and my mom emailed me some photos. I clicked on "download"....and the stupid, freakimg pictures have entered into the abyss of this stupid computer. I tried searching for them and, instead, three copies of every photo that is on this godforsaken computer has come up.

I do not want your pity. I do not want your computer related advice. I just want a f#%&*ing MAC.

Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

Haely Bop said...

Justin would be so proud. I think it is time for you two to get a Mac.