Monday, March 9, 2009

Ugh. Ugh indeed.

I was at a lovely party this weekend. The hosts even had a decorate your own cupcake bar and there was no child in sight.

We were discussing Watchmen and one of the party-goers commented:

"You really should read the comic before seeing it. I loved it and I don't EVER read. The last book I read was in 1998!"

My reaction was "huh?!?" I was completely confused about a few things. The first was why someone was bragging that they hadn't read a book in 12 years. Why would you brag about never furthering your brain away from a computer screen? Am I that old and out of touch that people are only learning things online these days?

The second thing that was confusing to me is that he is younger than me. I was still in highschool in 1998. That would mean that he stopped reading books before he finished highschool...Does that mean that he didn't open a book in his final years of highschool?


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