Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day = Drunk teenagers

So I was innocently taking a walk after lunch today and came across more drunken teenagers than I would ever want to encounter. It's 3pm people!! Yes I know it is St Patrick's day BUT does this mean you need to be sh&%-faced drunk in a Shopper's Drug Mart desperately looking for chips? Or screaming at people on the street at 3pm?!?

The only thing that makes me laugh about the whole thing is that :1) these kids started drinking REALLY early to be this drunk or else 2)they are total lightweights.....

Happy St. Patrick's Day.


Anonymous said...

And that means that they are either throwing up right now (6:30), passed out, or no longer drunk. HA! Joke's on them after all!

Emily said...

It's very, very true. None of them were out after work when I finally hit the bars!