Sunday, March 14, 2010

The ole scale

Two months ago I started exercising again. Over the past few years I have been very unsuccessful with exercise. I actually really, really love to workout. I love the feeling after a workout when I realize I have made my body a little bit stronger. I love sweating. The problem is that I am not very good at sticking to a routine. I have come up with all the excuses in the world. I don't like to run alone at night. I don't like to run alone in the morning. I don't like to run alone because it is boring. I just ate, I can't workout. I haven't eaten, I can't workout. I can't workout before bed. I am too tired in the morning to workout. And the list goes on.

What keeps me motivated is the changes have I noticed since I started working out. I no longer get tired in the afternoon. At all. No three o'clock sleepiness for me. I also no longer feel I NEED a coffee. You know that feeling, when you wake up and can't see straight until you have a cup? That feeling has disappeared. I still enjoy my morning cup but I can now wait a few hours before I have it.

The strange thing about my new workout? My weight has actually gone up but today I can almost fit into a skirt I bought during college AKA my skinniest time period. I guess I never really believed that muscle is heavier than fat. My body fat percentage is 21.3% down from 26.6% and I can't wait to drop it even lower.

So the point of this post? Please exercise. Your heart will love you and the added results of energy will be worth it. I promise.

Happy Sunday!

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