Friday, September 18, 2009

I am on the ball...

I have accomplished a lot today! This morning started off with laundry, I took the girls to Riverdale Farm and then I can back home and cleaned. I have caught up on a week's worth of Young and the Restless, I did yoga AND I finished knitting my first Christmas present! I basically rule....

Last night at knitting night we convert a new new co-worker Jennifer! Well, hopefully she wants to come back....

What's new? Fall TV!!! The only good thing about this wretched season is the new TV shows. My favourite so far is Glee! Has anyone seen it? Fab...really, really fab.

Alright, I am cooking a delicious meatless meatloaf for dinner with mashed potatoes and asparagus...mmmm...and C brought home key lime mini cupcakes. I am in heaven!

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

jessica said...

fall is the BEST season!!!