This week has brought on some summer changes. First, I have started drying some clothes outside. Now that I have a week little garden I have room for a small line. This morning I hung my sheets and towels out and they now smell SO GOOD!!! I remember playing in the wet clothes my mom hung outside when I was a little girl. I hope no one was watching because I ran threw them just to remember how it felt. It felt good...
Second exciting thing? Kristin had her baby! little Gwendolyn was born last Tuesday. She is perfect.
I have also started knititng a hot pink afghan. Very Barbie. Here is a lovely photo of it so far...

Last week C and I had loads of people over....being away for almost three weeks made us miss all out friends. What that meant was because we had very late nights it took me FOREVER to get over jet-lag. I usually am back to my old routine in a couple days but this time it was nearly a week before I got myself back to the regular Toronto time. The trip was well worth the body feeling wonky though.
Ummmm.. This afghan is STUNNING!!! I can't wait to see it!!
Thanks Cher!!!
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