Friday, May 22, 2009

On tap tonight....

So I am super excited. Tonight I am getting together with my ladies. Our normal Thursday night has turned into a Friday night. Except no Mar. Mar is too busy basking in the newness of her little nephew Roman. All is forgiven because, to be honest, not much is better than a new, cuddly baby.

What is going on tonight? busy, busy night. First off, yoga. We are all participating in Passport to Prana which is going on in Toronto. Basically, you get to try out one class at a bunch of studios for $30. We plan on trying them all....maybe even a road trip to Oakville because Karla has promised me beer if I go. Hopefully even Red Stripe. Have I mentioned Red Stripe yet? I am surprised. My Jamaica trip has made me OBSESSED with that delicious Jamaican beer. Even C thinks it is heavenly. I wish I was drinking some right now actually....

Alright so, first yoga, then knitting, food (hopefully) and wine. Or maybe Red Stripe?

Happy Friday

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