Friday, September 18, 2009

I am on the ball...

I have accomplished a lot today! This morning started off with laundry, I took the girls to Riverdale Farm and then I can back home and cleaned. I have caught up on a week's worth of Young and the Restless, I did yoga AND I finished knitting my first Christmas present! I basically rule....

Last night at knitting night we convert a new new co-worker Jennifer! Well, hopefully she wants to come back....

What's new? Fall TV!!! The only good thing about this wretched season is the new TV shows. My favourite so far is Glee! Has anyone seen it? Fab...really, really fab.

Alright, I am cooking a delicious meatless meatloaf for dinner with mashed potatoes and asparagus...mmmm...and C brought home key lime mini cupcakes. I am in heaven!

Happy Friday!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Long weekend

Today I slept in until 10:30am. That, for me, is insane. This might show you how tired I have been lately.

I have now been Mary Poppins, aka a nanny, for over a month. I am still absolutely loving it but it is putting a serious cramp in my energy level. That being said, I have also been switching my sleeping schedule to try and revolve myself to C's later schedule.....and until this week eating poorly. Anyhow, I am now back on track, eating well, catching up on my zzzz's. Life is good.

What have I been up to these last few weeks? Loads. The girls are keeping me on my toes but I have also started watching True Blood AND Mad Men and I am seriously addicted. I watched the first two seasons of Mad Men in a week....the second season in one day. This is a problem. This will also show the people who "just can't get into it" that Mad Men gets waaaay better after the first four or so episodes. True Blood kicks ass and I now have my inspiration to try and look like Anna Paquin...holy smokin' hot body!!! I got a new pilates DVD so we will see how successful I am at using it...

So, I will write more later. For now, sleepy time so I can be bright and perky for a breakfast in the Beach tomorrow morning!!!

Happy Friday!!!